Interface FeedbackConfig

Represents the configuration for feedback. This determines how the LangSmith service interprets feedback values of the associated key.

interface FeedbackConfig {
    type: "continuous" | "categorical" | "freeform";
    categories?: null | FeedbackCategory[];
    max?: null | number;
    min?: null | number;


type: "continuous" | "categorical" | "freeform"

The type of feedback.

  • "continuous": Feedback with a continuous numeric.
  • "categorical": Feedback with a categorical value (classes)
  • "freeform": Feedback with a freeform text value (notes).
categories?: null | FeedbackCategory[]

The categories for categorical feedback. Each category can be a string or an object with additional properties.

If feedback is categorical, this defines the valid categories the server will accept. Not applicable to continuous or freeform feedback types.

max?: null | number

The maximum value for continuous feedback.

min?: null | number

The minimum value for continuous feedback.