• Parameters

    • type: "criteria" | "labeled_criteria"

      Type of string evaluator, one of "criteria" or "labeled_criteria

    • options: EmbeddingDistanceEvalChainInput & {
          agentTools?: StructuredToolInterface[];
          chainOptions?: Partial<Omit<LLMEvalChainInput, "llm">>;
          criteria?: CriteriaLike;
          llm?: BaseLanguageModelInterface;
      } & {
          formatEvaluatorInputs?: (
              run: Run,
              example: Example,
          ) => { prediction: string; input?: string; reference?: string };

      Options for loading the evaluator

      • OptionalagentTools?: StructuredToolInterface[]

        A list of tools available to the agent, for TrajectoryEvalChain.

      • OptionalchainOptions?: Partial<Omit<LLMEvalChainInput, "llm">>
      • Optionalcriteria?: CriteriaLike

        The criteria to use for the evaluator.

      • Optionalllm?: BaseLanguageModelInterface
      • OptionalformatEvaluatorInputs?: (
            run: Run,
            example: Example,
        ) => { prediction: string; input?: string; reference?: string }

    Returns Promise<(run: Run, example: Example) => Promise<{ key: string }>>

    Evaluator consumable by evaluate

    Use evaluate instead.

    This utility function loads a LangChain string evaluator and returns a function which can be used by newer evaluate function.